July was full of fun adventures. :)
We started the month off by going to the Monte L. Bean Museum at BYU. It was a fun (and free!) way to spend a day with my friend Tricia and her little boy. He and Kollyn have a lot of fun together usually and it was nice to see them both so excited about all the animals.
Kollyn got to meet Shasta the Liger. ;) Isn't a visit to the Bean without visiting Shasta!
I loved watching her get so excited by all the animals. I wasn't surprised she loved them so much (she's obsessed with animals and will only watch any movie/show that has real animals in it, not even cartoon animals are good enough haha). She could point out specific ones like the elephant, the swordfish, and the "hiphopomus". It was also nice being able to get out of the house and not spend any money. :)
On July 3, we were invited to the Driggs' 4th of July celebration by Karin and had a lot of fun! Adam and Carlee were also there so the three cousins that are really close in age all got to play together. It was fun to see Jane interact with Kollyn and Luke. They're all within 4 months of each other so it's fun watching them all grow and experience things together. :) Kollyn had fun dancing with Luke, hanging off the coffee table, and pushing cars off the edge with Luke and Jane.
We went up to my parents for the 4th and it was fun. :) Kollyn has recently discovered a deep love of coloring, so she did that for a good 20 minutes after she finished her dinner while we were all eating. Then we took a walk up to Ridley's to get some last minute fireworks, but realized she wasn't a huge fan. The sudden noise and light was too much for her, so we did a sparkler instead, which she was much more keen to enjoy. :) We ended up watching the neighbors' fireworks and then watching the fireworks show they do off of Memorial Hill. :) It was a fun holiday and I think next year she'll be more interested in the fireworks. At least, we hope so.
This was her reaction the sparklers. I think she was more indifferent towards them than anything, but at least they didn't scare her.
This little girl is seriously a huge ham. She finds something that makes people laugh and she'll keep doing it. :) She loves to make people smile and does whatever she can to make that happen. It has been good lately because she's been more quick to get frustrated, so I just get her to do something that I know makes me laugh, and she is instantly happier.
She loves being outside. Like, if we could spend all our time outside, she would absolutely be all over it. She has recently figured out what ants are and loves to lay on the grass or the sidewalk and just watch ants crawl around. She gets so excited whenever she sees them. Naturally, all bugs are called ants right now, but we're working on that. ;)
Kollyn adores my friend Sierra, who she calls C, and her husband Michael, who K calls Mike. We were lucky that Sierra was able to work from home so she would come over to our house and hang out with us during the day. Kollyn seriously loves her and we're going to miss them now that they've moved to St. George. This is Kollyn giving Sierra knuckles, and in Big Hero 6 fashion, she says "ba la la la!" afterwards (we definitely DIDN'T teach her that.).
She loves her cousin Aleah and the carousel so she was pretty happy that the carousel opened up while we were there (we were afraid it was closed since it wasn't going when we got there). Any day she gets to spend with any of her cousins, it is a good day. I love how much she adores them and they adore her. We're definitely blessed to live so close to so many family members and so many cousins. :) Kollyn never gets bored!
On the 18, we had my family all get together, and it was a lot of fun. My sister from Oklahoma drove in, my sister from Cedar with her girls came up (my brother-in-law wasn't feeling too well and neither were my nephews), my sister and brother-in-law from California flew in, and my brother and sister-in-law and their three little munchkins from California drove in too so it was a mini family reunion and Kollyn was in heaven. She played with her cousin Gemma, who is 10 months older than her, and loved running around, jumping on the tramp, and coloring all day. It was so fun for her that she didn't even take a nap, but it didn't matter because she loves being around people, especially cousins, so much.
I wish I'd gotten more pictures of this day. On the 22, we went to 7 Peaks with my family (my sister came up with her kids from Cedar, my brother and sister-in-law were still here, and my sister from Oklahoma was still here) and Kollyn had a lot of fun. We went down the racer slides and played in the kiddie pool. She splashed in the very shallow end of the wave pool, and then sat in her stroller, drank water, and ate snacks. It was a lot of fun. That night we went over to Melissa's house because my brother had bought a bunch of fireworks, since I guess where he is in Cali they're illegal. And we had fun lighting them. Kollyn wasn't a fan, she just didn't care for the sudden noise. She was ok if we were snuggling her and covering her ears, but it was best that David took her home. I stayed with my siblings and watched the show. It was really awesome. :) I got some good ideas for the ones we should get next year for our own show. After we'd lit all the fireworks, we took all the scrap cardboard and the kids roasted marshmallows over the little fire. It was fun watching them all play together. :)
My dear friend Tricia had her second baby on Monday, July 27. He is such a cutie! Kollyn and I went up to the hospital on the 29 to meet him and it was so much fun. I love his chubby cheeks! Kollyn played with Wyatt, she really liked playing with his cars with him, and I got to snuggle that little guy all I wanted while she was distracted. We spent a couple hours there chatting with Tricia and Steve. It was fun since we haven't seen them in a while because they just moved.
You can't see it very well because my picture taking skills aren't the best, but he's seriously so cute!
The 29, my parents took Kollyn for the night so that David and I could go out with Sierra and Michael one last time before they moved. We went to dinner at Wallaby's (Michael got stuck at work so he missed that) and then went bowling at Fat Cat's. I remembered why I don't really bowl. haha. I'm not very good, but it was a lot of fun anyway.
Not the best pictures but it was important to capture the moment. :)
It's been an emotional month for us, that's for sure. David was having a pretty rough time with some people at work, but luckily he was able to get another job and will be starting that soon. :) We've all been trading the same sickness back and forth for a few weeks and are finally feeling better so that's a win! And we're the Weblos leaders in our ward so that keeps us busy, even though there's only one. David is down to his last semester at school (YAY!) and we couldn't be more excited for December to come! It'll be crazy but it'll be a fun adventure, just like this summer so far.