
Family Trip to Cancun

Monday, March 14, 2016

February 2016: New Bed, Hitting the Jackpot, and Kangaroo Zoo

February was spent preparing for baby boy and spending our last little while as a family of 3. We tried to do as much as we possibly could to help K understand what was coming and doing things together that she loved to do. We went to the aquarium a lot, the last free zoo day, and countless trips to the Provo Rec center to go swimming. It's been a pretty emotional month too (pregnancy hormones for the win I guess) thinking about how things are about to change and how she'll handle it.

She loves her new big girl bed! It made the transition to her new room so much easier and she seems excited to go to bed now. :)

She LOVES to paint! She could do it all day if I let her. And when it's dry, she gets really excited to go hang it up in her room on the wall.

Here are just some of our adventures this month with our little miss cutie. :) It was so fun trying out some new things with her!

Provo Beach Resort. She loved the toddler area and the carousel. She ran around and played for a good 2 hours and didn't want to leave when it was time to go home. We even played a couple of the little arcade games and she picked out the little prizes she wanted. Her favorite was a small bouncy ball.

We also wen to the NickelCade with her and she loved it. She ran around and rode the carousel 3 times (once on each animal of course). She liked playing the games and watching the tickets come out.

She even hit the jackpot on one game!!! It was over 200 tickets and she sat there next to it and watched all the tickets come out. She kept showing up some of them and saying, "I won!" and was so excited about it. :) We let her choose her prizes since she was the one that won, and she had so much fun picking out what she wanted. She chose some candy and a little plastic airplane toy. I love watching her make choices like that without any prompting.

For Luke's birthday (Can't believe he's 2!!) Karin and David invited us to come to Kangaroo Zoo with them and it was so much fun! Kollyn loved going down the slides and bouncing around on everything. She keeps telling us how we went "jumping a Luke's birthday!" and how she wants to go back. David had fun running around with her too and I think she loved having Dad be a big part of that experience. 

This girl just loves to be outside. We got her a little tricycle for Christmas and she asks to go ride it every day. She doesn't really use the pedals yet, but she walks it around and just has a blast. Thankfully it's been warm enough for us to go out everyday just like she wants. We'll walk to the park quite often so she can play for a while and it is so good for her to get outside. She is so much happier when she does (and so are we!) and it's good for us to get out as well.

Loving playing with Luke at his house in the backyard. Their neighbors are awesome and let the kids jump on their trampoline whenever and Kollyn has so much fun with that.

Church has gotten more fun with her now. She likes to bring her special toys (right now it's her Peppa Pig family sets and her Star Wars model ships) and part of her play is making sure they all line up and then playing with them. She loves going to nursery and basically runs there as soon as sacrament meeting is over. 

We have had a great month and love this little girl so much. It's hard to think about her not being our only child but we are excited to see how she and little boy grow up together and watch their relationship grow. We have a feeling that she's going to be a fantastic big sister once she gets use to things being a little different and are hopeful that they will grow up to be best friends.

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